This week's word is I N S P I R E... so appropriate for this time year. A time to hit the refresh button, to evaluate and determine what's working in our lives and what isn't. It's the perfect time to clear out the old and allow ourselves to be INSPIRED by the possibilities right in front us. With all of this purging, releasing and renewing... who knows?... we may just be INSPIRING others as well.

1. to make someone want to do something : to give someone an idea about what to do or create2. to cause something to happen or be created. 3. to cause someone to have a feeling or emotion.

“Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change." ~Barbara Januszkiewicz

"Aspire to inspire before you expire."

Michelle Larson - We created a Wall of Work in our office. It's great to see what we've done...feeling inspired for all that is ahead for us in 2016.

Michelle Larson - We created a Wall of Work in our office. It's great to see what we've done...feeling inspired for all that is ahead for us in 2016.

Julie Cimpko - I'm so inspired to travel to distant lands this year...Laos and Vietnam.

Julie Cimpko - I'm so inspired to travel to distant lands this year...Laos and Vietnam.

Chelsea Hipley - Inspiration, for me, comes in all ways, shapes and forms. But my biggest source of inspiration comes from my Mom. She never ceases to amaze me with what she continues to accomplish in her own life. She has taught me countless l…

Chelsea Hipley - Inspiration, for me, comes in all ways, shapes and forms. But my biggest source of inspiration comes from my Mom. She never ceases to amaze me with what she continues to accomplish in her own life. She has taught me countless life lessons and I am the person I am today because of her love and guidance.

Erik Larson - I'm inspired to complete a long-time project...my civil war themed playing cards.

Erik Larson - I'm inspired to complete a long-time project...my civil war themed playing cards.

Emily Weathers - These two really inspire me to be the best person I can be. My niece and nephew have inspired many aspects in my life, including my move to California. This is a rare photo of them sitting still for the camera!

Emily Weathers - These two really inspire me to be the best person I can be. My niece and nephew have inspired many aspects in my life, including my move to California. This is a rare photo of them sitting still for the camera!