Word of the Week: Bloom

This week's word is B L O O M... defined as; the flower of a plant in a state of having the buds opened. A flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty or artistry.

Just a few shorts days ago we celebrated the first of Spring. What a wonderful time of year! The trees are bursting with new leaves, and gardens are coming back to life with all of their colorful glory, making everything feel bright and fresh. People just seem happier... which probably has something to do with ending the work day with some daylight still lingering. When we walk down the street in the evening the mouthwatering aroma of bbq teases us. What's not to love about Spring?!

We all had a fun time with this word B L O O M.... take a look : )

Michelle Larson - A little whimsy from my playful side. After visiting the flower fields in Carlsbad, California this past weekend, I used the sherbet colored ranunculus and other foliage finds from around my neighborhood to create BLOSSOM. That's h…

Michelle Larson - A little whimsy from my playful side. After visiting the flower fields in Carlsbad, California this past weekend, I used the sherbet colored ranunculus and other foliage finds from around my neighborhood to create BLOSSOM. That's her name. Isn't she pretty?! What fun!! 

Julie Cimpko - Some of the most beautiful things are blooming right in front of us.

Julie Cimpko - Some of the most beautiful things are blooming right in front of us.

Chelsea Hipley - Fresh flowers always bring a smile to my face. Spring is my favorite time of the year and now that it is upon us, nature will soon be in full bloom. It is a time of new growth and new life.

Chelsea Hipley - Fresh flowers always bring a smile to my face. Spring is my favorite time of the year and now that it is upon us, nature will soon be in full bloom. It is a time of new growth and new life.

Madeline Lovejoy - To open yourself up to possibility, to becoming. My favorite sea bloom.

Madeline Lovejoy - To open yourself up to possibility, to becoming. My favorite sea bloom.

Susan Shepardson - I spy a late bloomer Susan Shepardson - I spy a late bloomer. Yes, that's me. This is a self portrait of a blooming woman. I have to thank other late bloomers who inspire me: Grandma Moses and Mary Delany started art careers …

Susan Shepardson - I spy a late bloomer Susan Shepardson - I spy a late bloomer. Yes, that's me. This is a self portrait of a blooming woman. I have to thank other late bloomers who inspire me: Grandma Moses and Mary Delany started art careers in their 70's, Carmen Herrera sold her first piece of art at the age of 89. Harriet Doerr published her first novel at 74 and Laura Ingalls Wilder was in her 60's when she started writing the Little House on the Prairie series. Here's to the unfolding process!