word of the week: discover

D I S C O V E R... the act of finding or learning something for the first time. The ability to discover new experiences, places, ways of thinking, depths of being... is what makes this life continuously exciting and worthwhile. What will you discover today? 

“The seeker embarks on a journey to find what he wants and discovers, along the way, what he needs.” - Wally Lamb

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” - Marcel Proust

Michelle Larson - We really discover who we are when we make mistakes. A mistake reroutes us to where we are meant to go. It may feel like a roadblock, but ultimately it is a bridge that takes us to where lessons are learned and applied... where lif…

Michelle Larson - We really discover who we are when we make mistakes. A mistake reroutes us to where we are meant to go. It may feel like a roadblock, but ultimately it is a bridge that takes us to where lessons are learned and applied... where life is perfectly imperfect. 

Julie Cimpko - It is when we look closely at the details that we discover its true beauty.

Julie CimpkoIt is when we look closely at the details that we discover its true beauty.

Chelsea Hipley - See new places. Meet new faces. Go discover.

Chelsea Hipley - See new places. Meet new faces. Go discover.

Madeline Lovejoy -  DISCOVERa world of wishes under your toesthe light of infinite stars above your headthe crunch of leaves beneath your feetthe warmth of the sun on the nape of your neck the sound of a delicate melodythe taste of tender ripe …

Madeline Lovejoy -  DISCOVER

a world of wishes under your toes

the light of infinite stars above your head

the crunch of leaves beneath your feet

the warmth of the sun on the nape of your neck


the sound of a delicate melody

the taste of tender ripe fruit

the thunder of rousing applause

the sweet memory of a soft kiss


the vibrant colors of a sunset

the chill of a brisk breeze

the ominous rumble of a train

the rustle of the wind through the trees


the friendly gaze of an admirer

the soothing coo of a baby laughing

the melancholy stare of a stranger

the reflection of hope and possibility