Word of the Week: Wild

W I L D...Living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. Uncontrolled or unrestrained, especially in pursuit of pleasure.

“It has always been my understanding that truth and freedom can only exist in wild places.” - Daniel J. Rice.

“The wild begins where you least expect it, one step off your normal course” - Bernard Malamud

Michelle Larson - This was a poem shared by a dear friend, Dora James. I thought it was perfect for this week's Word of the Week.

Michelle Larson - This was a poem shared by a dear friend, Dora James. I thought it was perfect for this week's Word of the Week.

Julie Cimpko - "All Good Things are Wild and Free"....well said.

Julie Cimpko - "All Good Things are Wild and Free"....well said.

Chelsea Hipley - I am wild at heart. I love unplanned adventures and discovering new things. I like going places I’ve never been. I want to see this wild world, in all her beauty.

Chelsea Hipley - I am wild at heart. I love unplanned adventures and discovering new things. I like going places I’ve never been. I want to see this wild world, in all her beauty.

Susan Shepardson - "Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth." -Stewart Udall 

Susan Shepardson - "Cherish sunsets, wild creatures and wild places. Have a love affair with the wonder and beauty of the earth." -Stewart Udall